This was quite possibly the brand I collaborated the most on. I worked with four art directors on Mountain Dew, and they were perhaps the best AD's I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Below is a variety of production and photo-retouching projects I worked on with each of these art directors. It is a brand that I was so involved in, I can think of very little I didn't have my hands in. This a small sample of a greater multitude of work I have done for Mountain Dew.
Let's start off with the Mountain Dew Redesign of 2016. In addition to working with my team on production, I handled all e-commerce as well as photo-retouching. Below is a sample of the wide-ranging type of packaging that goes into a redesign. There are even "state specific" designs. This redesign coincided with the change in FDA nutrition facts labeling requirements. Every type of packaging and flavor of Mountain Dew was revisited and affected.

Here is the accompanying photography of the Mountain Dew redesign to appear on anything marketing related.

Mountain Dew Game Fuel is a project that comes around once every year. It coincides with the release of a new Microsoft game for Xbox, or even a new console, as was the case for 2017, the Xbox One X. I worked with my team on production, compositing images to be placed on packaging, as well as e-commerce. I handled all photo-retouching for marketing materials. The promotion was featured on all Mountain Dew labels and packaging, but I'm only including the special Game Fuel Flavors. Citrus Cherry is considered the original Game Fuel flavor with a new secondary flavor every year.

New in 2016, the Mountain Dew brand introduced three specialty "Label Series" drinks. These were available in 16 ounce cans. Below are the refreshed versions of the photography. I'm also including a screen shot of the dry versions I worked on, currently featured on the Mountain Dew website.

A project I collaborated on with one of my most favorite art directors ever, we began concept for Kickstart "Hydrating Boost" in 2013-2014. I worked closely with this art director, applying different concepts to renders, swapping PMS colors in and out daily, rendering and re-rendering, until all involved were sold on a design. This is just a small sample of the designs, production and retouching I was involved with. New flavors were added yearly.

In 2015, a retail line of Mountain Dew flavors once only available at Taco Bell was introduced. I was involved with the production, e-commerce and the photo-retouching (below).